While Skimming Requests for Proposals
By J.T. Robertson
After Jennifer Murvin’s “While Reading My Students’ Stories”
Eligible applicant must be a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit, tribal government, local government, state entity. For-profits and individuals are ineligible. Proposals must show requested funds will make a significant impact on the community, on lives, on those in need, on the hard-to-serve, disadvantaged, homeless, at-risk, underserved, undereducated, unemployed, underemployed. Involved. Impactful. Efficient. Effective.
List anticipated outcomes. List measurable results. List names and qualifications of responsible staff. List each board member’s age, ethnicity, employer, email, phone, fax, connections, position, tax bracket, giving. List total number of volunteers. List lobbying activities. List compensation and benefits of executive staff. List income sources over $10,000 received past 6, 12, 24 months. List square footage and occupancy. List rental income. List capital purchases. List staff amenities, if applicable. List sub-contractors. List suppliers.
One-inch margins, Times New Roman, Arial, 10-point, 12-point, black only, full color, electronic signatures, live signatures in blue ink, one-inch three-ring binders. Logic models complete using approved template. No blank boxes. Detailed descriptions of each program component in one-inch boxes. Submit a signed IRS form 990 filed in the past 15 months. Provide a state certificate of good standing signed within the last 90 days. Provide a current balance sheet. Provide an updated audit. Provide eight collated copies plus original with live signatures and dates. Submissions must arrive in a sealed envelope. Only emailed submissions accepted.
Clients must be between the ages of 16 to 21, 18 to 35, 30 to 65, 60 and older. Client income must fall below 30% of area median income, above 30% area median income. Clients must be from neighborhoods with poverty rates 10% above national, regional, state average. Clients must be disabled. Clients must prove veteran status and honorable discharge. Homeless clients must meet the published definition in appendix II.2.B. Clients must provide family income information, social security card, birth certificate, test scores, drug tests, assurances, approvals, signatures. Clients must not be discriminated against based on age, race, sexuality, gender, ability, disability, origin, medical history, sex-offender or ex-offender status.
Clients cannot be required to attend religious services to receive services. Program curriculum must be completed within 30 days, 60 days, 90 days of entry. Client status on entry and exit outcomes must be documented. Documentation may include any or all of the following: case manager notes, intake forms, exit forms, surveys, scribbles, paystubs, timesheets, certificates, diplomas, word-of mouth, sworn affidavits, notarized forms. Client data must be tracked using our secure database. Data must be entered within three business days. Data must be kept confidential to respect client privacy. Contact must be maintained with clients for a minimum 90 days on exit. On-going supportive services and case management must be provided for a minimum 12 months after successful completion.
On-going supportive services and case management are ineligible costs under interim rule 435.7.25. Service costs should not be included in the supportive services budget. Operations costs should not be included in the operations budget. Required budget and budget narrative templates are available for download on our website. Capital and unrestricted line items are ineligible. Salaries should be included only for direct service staff. Administration cost cannot exceed 7%, 8%, 10%. Funding requires 50%, 75%, 100% match from non-government sources. Invoices for reimbursement due last day of quarter during grant period. Applicants must provide a detailed plan for future funding after foundation funding ends. Cost-sharing and in-kind services through collaboration encouraged.
Collaboration is key to a competitive proposal. Required coalition must include representatives from the Department of Social Services, Department of Human Services, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of, Office of, Department of. Key stakeholders include local housing authority, local government, area service providers, community groups, Workforce Investment Board, citizen groups, neighborhood associations, client’s families, volunteers, board members, individual donors, friends, neighbors, others.
Questions must be submitted by June 21st, in writing, by email, in person. Questions will not be accepted after April 14th. Inquiries by phone will remain unanswered. Applications must be turned in before the deadline. Submissions must be postmarked by November 13th. Applicants are encouraged to submit before 4:59 pm on February 15th. Applications will be reviewed and ranked in the order they arrive. The foundation board will meet, the commission will meet, the program staff will meet and forward their recommendations. Final decisions will be made at the monthly, quarterly, annual meeting.
Applicants may only submit one application in response to this solicitation. This request for proposals does not constitute approval or guarantee of funding.